We all want to look good, right? For most of us, six-pack abs are high on the list of the most wanted physical features. Just ask Jordan Morello. As a personal trainer and online fitness coach, with over 10 years' experience, he's seen it all.
But, the secret to those six-pack abs goes far beyond churning out endless amounts of sit-ups every single day. Sculpting, even a little more definition around the midsection takes dedication. And not just in the gym. Yet the answer could be closer to home than you realise...
Abs are made in the kitchen
We've all heard the saying, but what does it actually mean? Well, the truth is everyone has abs. Yes, everyone. But even if you have strong abs, a layer of body fat will keep them in hiding. Jordan is well aware of the importance of diet and nutrition and can't stress enough how vital eating correctly is.
"Some people think you can outwork a bad diet, but that will NEVER happen!"

He says without a doubt, the most significant mistake people make is diet. You can work out all you want, but if your diet's not on point, you won't see the results you want.
"If you want to gain a six-pack, more defined abs, or even a flatter tummy, you must make sure you're eating in a healthy caloric deficit!"
He says that whether you're desperate for those washboard abs or simply want a more toned stomach, the principles are precisely the same. You have to approach your diet with the same discipline as your workouts. And, if you're one of Jordan's 237k followers on Instagram, you'll know he practices what he preaches.
Home Workouts
Scrolling this Jordan's Instagram feed, one thing you will notice is that he enjoys his home workouts. We've all seen that working out at home has grown in popularity, with a new age of digital fitness on the horizon.
"I love home workouts because it's a way to stay active, fit and healthy without leaving your home! Anyone can do it!"
Now, we're not telling you to cancel your gym membership — far from it! Compound moves like squats and deadlifts will help strengthen your core, along with the rest of your body. With that being said, there's also room for more isolated ab work too, especially if you have eyes on achieving that more defined midsection.
I train abs maybe 1-2 times per week
Your abdominals are like any other muscle. So, spending hours every single day performing countless crunches is somewhat pointless. If this sounds like you, it's time to give Jordan's home circuits a try.
Jordan Morello's Quick & Light Ab Circuit
This fast and effective circuit combines exercises that will really get your abs burning. Try four sets with 20 reps each move. Good luck!
How to do the exercises
Modified V-sits
Lie on the floor with your arms next to your body, your legs straight and your feet slightly raised.
Keeping your back straight throughout, sit up in a controlled motion, bringing your lower back off the mat and your knees into your chest.
Sit-up Twist
Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent. Keep your feet flat on the floor and lightly touch your temples with your hands.
Lift your torso and bend to the right until your left elbow touches your right knee.
Return to your starting position and repeat on the opposite side.
Toe Touch Crunch
Lie on your back and reach out with your arms above your head, pointing your legs toward the ceiling.
Swing your arms toward the ceiling, lifting your head and shoulder off the ground and touch your toes.
Lift your pelvis slightly off the ground, so your toes move toward your fingers.
Bicycle Crunch
Start by lying on the ground, with your lower back pressed into the floor and your head and shoulders raised slightly above it.
Place your hands lightly on the sides of your head, and lift one leg just off the ground and extend it out.
Lift the opposite leg and bend your knee towards your chest. As you do, twist your core, so the opposite arm comes towards the raised knee.
Lower your leg and arm at the same time while bringing up the opposite two limbs to mirror the movement.
Alternating Toe Touch
Lay down on your back with your arms straight above your head.
Lift your left leg and right arm up at the same time, reaching across your body and touching your toes.
Bring your right arm and left leg back down and repeat with the opposite sides.
Take Home Message
Building a stronger core doesn't have to involve spending hours in the gym. A lot of people overlook the power of home workouts with many exercises needed little or no equipment at all.
If your ultimate goal is a six-pack, then you're going to need more than just the right exercises. Remember you can't out-train a bad diet. If you want to see your abs, start in the kitchen. By reducing body fat you'll reveal definition underneath and can then focus on specific workouts to sculpt that well-defined midsection.